Dyslexia Support for Children
We provide 45 minute private lessons on Saturday mornings in Maidenhead
Each child is taught one-to-one by a qualified SpLd (Dyslexia) tutor
The One to One Club was set up to improve each child's phonic, spelling, written work and organisation skills etc., according to their individual needs
We aim to supplement the support provided by state and private schools to enable primary and secondary school pupils achieve their true potential
Starting March/April 2025
The Adult Dyslexia Centre is running their Understanding Dyslexia Course (online) aimed at parent's and carers.​​
Week 1 Understanding your child with Dyslexia
Week 2 Maths and Dyslexia
Week 3 Spelling strategies & handwriting
Week 4 Reading strategies & phonics
Register your interest by email to courses@adc.org.uk
The fee is £80 for the 4 sessions.

​Latest news​
December 2024!
We had a great Xmas Tombola today and raised £351.00 for the club!
Thank you so so much to the following stores for their generous donations your support is really appreciated:
Andy at Toymaster - Marlow
Denise at Pink & Perfect Florist -Maidenhead
Store Manager at Boots - Maidenhead
​Store Manager Kan - Tesco Express, Bath Road, Maidenhead
Helema at The Handmade Cake Co. - Maidenhead
Louise at Space NK -Marlow
Jay at Waitrose - Maidenhead
Store Manager at Marks & Spencers - Maidenhead
We have no funding and the club is run by Volunteer Parents & Tutors and we rely on the subs paid by the Parents and our fundraising events to keep the club running, which it has been for a staggering 36 Years!!
Thank you as always to all the support from our parents, children & tutors and Oldfield School for renting us the premises.